The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)


Declaración de Jorge Moreira da Silva, Secretario General Adjunto de las Naciones Unidas y Director Ejecutivo de UNOPS, en la inauguración de la COP28 en Dubái (en inglés).

"As we gather at COP28, the critical role between climate action and infrastructure has never been more evident. Our world faces unprecedented challenges: rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and an urgent need for sustainable development.

UNOPS en la COP28

UNOPS participó, junto con la comunidad mundial, en la 28a edición de la Conferencia de las Partes en la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (COP28) para tomar medidas encaminadas a alcanzar los objetivos climáticos colectivos del mundo.

En Dubái, UNOPS firmó un acuerdo histórico y organizó y participó en más de 30 eventos con asociados sobre cómo encontrar soluciones concretas y colaborativas para avanzar la acción por el clima.

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“At UNOPS, we understand that sustainable infrastructure can be a viable solution to many of the problems that come with climate change. 92 percent of the Sustainable Development Goals targets depend on infrastructure. Yet infrastructure also accounts for almost 80 per cent of all greenhouse gas emissions.

“Our goal at COP28 is to address these challenges head-on, advocating for infrastructure that not only withstands climate impacts but actively contributes to a more resilient, sustainable future.

“Together, we can transform our approach to infrastructure, ensuring it fosters climate-compatible development and propels global efforts towards a more resilient tomorrow.

“Our message here is straightforward: resilient, well-planned infrastructure is not just essential for our survival; it's a vital tool in our challenge to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of a changing climate.”

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