The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

Bangkok Liaison Office

Contact details

UNOPS Bangkok Liaison Office

16th Floor, 208 Wireless Road Building


Bangkok 10330


Tel: +66982642754

UNOPS Bangkok Liaison Office facilitates partnership development with key partners, including the Asian Development Bank, Asian Infrastructure Development Bank, Green Climate Fund, the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and the South Korean government.

The office further provides support in partnership intelligence and strategic positioning.

Key information

  • Impact

    Through its work, the Bangkok Liaison Office has supported UNOPS project teams to:

    • Construct new school facilities in Kenya’s Uhuru Gardens and Ng’undu Primary Schools, on behalf of KOICA, to improve the quality of education and support Kenya’s 100% enrolment programme.
    • Build and equip a midwifery training college in Ghana to improve the safety, effectiveness and efficiency of maternal and child care on behalf of KOICA.

  • 16
    Strategic Support

    The Bangkok Liaison Office is providing strategic support for UNOPS implementation of infrastructure, project management and procurement-related projects in 16 countries around the world.

  • Key partners

    • Korea International Cooperation Agency
    • Asian Development Bank
    • Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
    • Green Climate Fund
    • Government of Australia

When it comes to finding a delivery partner in developing countries, especially fragile and conflict affected states, UNOPS continues to be a reliable partner for KOICA, particularly for procurement and project management services which are backed by internationally acknowledged methodologies.


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