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Statement by Grete Faremo, Under-Secretary General and Executive Director of UNOPS, at the second regular session of the Executive Board, 11 September 2017
Opening remarks by Grete Faremo, Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UNOPS, at the Swiss IT Leadership Forum, 27 June 2017
Keynote speech by Grete Faremo, Under Secretary General and Executive Director of UNOPS at The Age of Sustainable Innovation Summit, hosted by the British Chamber of Commerce in Denmark, 21 June 2017
UNOPS Executive Director Grete Faremo delivered remarks to the Joint Meeting of the Executive Boards of UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS, and UNICEF, UN-Women and WFP in New York.
Speech by Grete Faremo, Under Secretary General and Executive Director of UNOPS at the UN Ocean Conference - Plenary Meeting, 9 June 2017
UNOPS Executive Director Grete Faremo delivered a speech reporting to the UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS Executive board in New York.
Opening remarks by Grete Faremo, Under Secretary General and Executive Director of UNOPS at the UN Ocean Conference Side Event, 8 June 2017
Opening remarks by Grete Faremo, Under Secretary General and Executive Director of UNOPS at the UN Ocean Conference Evening Reception with WATO in New York, Wednesday, 7 June 2017
Grete Faremo, Under Secretary General and Executive Director of UNOPS at the UN Ocean Conference, Private-sector roundtable on marine pollution, 7 June 2017
Statement by Grete Faremo, Under-Secretary General and Executive Director of UNOPS, at the second regular session of the Executive Board, 7 June 2017
UNOPS Deputy Executive Director delivered a statement on behalf of UNOPS Executive Director, Grete Faremo, to Executive Board Members in New York today.
Speech by Grete Faremo, Under Secretary General and Executive Director of UNOPS at UN Ocean Conference side event: Marine and coastal management, 6 June 2017
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