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A joint initiative between UNOPS, UN-Habitat and UN Environment Programme – aimed at supporting countries with sustainable building practices – kicks off in Burkina Faso and Sri Lanka.
Amid a global pandemic, 39 United Nations organizations spent $22.3 billion on goods and services in 2020, according to a new report published by UNOPS on behalf of the UN system.
The Paris Gender Equality Forum – the largest event on gender since the Beijing Conference on Women in 1995, kicked off today. UNOPS has committed to action – and change.
How do we help countries recover from this pandemic stronger, to put the world back on track to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals?
A new initiative with the European Union will support innovative, development-led approaches to aiding people affected by displacement.
A new partnership between UNOPS and RedR Australia will harness both organizations’ expertise to strengthen crisis response efforts and bolster sustainable development initiatives towards the 2030 Agenda.
UNOPS annual Sustainability Report for 2020 highlights the unique contributions the organization made towards COVID-19 response and sustainable development last year.
Improved public spending could help countries recover from the impacts of COVID-19 and encourage sustainable development, argues UNOPS Executive Director.
UNOPS will implement the €30 million, European Union-funded programme with Serbia's Ministry of European Integration.
UNOPS is standing-by to support the response and recovery efforts following the disaster that erupted on the Caribbean island nation this month.
How can inclusive infrastructure increase women’s participation in public life and enable safe access to work and opportunities?
As part of the PRAVO Police Programme, €600,000 worth of equipment was delivered to the National Police of Ukraine.
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30 years of action