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Rainwater harvesting systems are helping secure access to safe drinking water in north Argentina and building indigenous communities’ resilience to droughts and heatwaves
In Yemen, heavy rainfalls and other extreme weather events have devastating consequences for both urban and rural communities. Climate-resilient roads offer a lifeline.
We have to focus on buildings to help mitigate the impacts of climate change. Here's why – and how to do it.
We must ensure that youth are part of the decision-making process for issues that impact them – and have a voice in their present and future.
The ambitious goals and strategic vision of today’s youth will shape tomorrow's sustainable and inclusive cities.
In Costa Rica, an inclusive urban infrastructure project is providing a lifeline for the youth living in disadvantaged neighborhoods.
In the Pacific, climate change is no longer a distant challenge to prepare for. It is happening now – threatening biodiversity and forcing islanders to fight for survival.
Faced with water scarcity, population growth and an overuse of limited natural resources, improved water infrastructure is helping deliver clean water to those most in need.
For countries to meet their climate objectives and safeguard development goals, transparency is key.
In western Kenya, a cash transfer programme is helping a devastated community rebuild.
New guidance developed with WaterAid, Arup and the African Development Bank charts a way forward for governments, infrastructure practitioners and other actors to practically implement inclusive approaches to health infrastructure development.
To address critical healthcare shortages, UNOPS partnered with KfW to train healthcare workers in five facilities across Yemen.
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30 years of action