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Remarks by UN Under-Secretary-General and UNOPS Executive Director Jorge Moreira da Silva at the Executive Committee on Economic and Social Affairs Plus (ECESA Plus), during the 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States, 28 May 2024.
Director of UNOPS Multi-Country Office in Amman, Muhammad Usman Akram, spoke at the Eighth Brussels conference on supporting the future of Syria and the region.
UNOPS Regional Director for Asia, Sanjay Mathur, on the landslide in Papua New Guinea and other recent natural disasters in the Asia Pacific.
Message on the Occasion of Africa Day 2024, by UNOPS Regional Director for Africa Dalila Gonçalves
Our 2023 annual brochure highlights the impact of UNOPS work around the world. Across more than 80 countries, we implemented around 1,100 projects on behalf of our partners – providing practical solutions where needs are greatest.
The Inventory Management Plan is produced to document UNOPS Environmental Inventory process, in support of the Strategy for Sustainability Management in the UN System 2020-2030. It provides a transparent disclosure of the methodology underpinning UNOPS environmental footprint and activity data. The results of the inventory feed into UNOPS Annual Report to the Executive Board, based on the Global Reporting Initiative framework.
New guidelines provide a comprehensive roadmap towards building inclusive energy infrastructure and provide practical guidance on ways to bridge the energy access gap in developing countries.
Remarks by Jorge Moreira da Silva, Under-Secretary-General and UNOPS Executive Director, at the UN General Assembly Sustainability Week panel on 'Achieving infrastructure resilience through partnership, solidarity, and innovation'.
Message on the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action by Under-Secretary-General and UNOPS Executive Director Jorge Moreira da Silva.
Statement on the ninth anniversary of the conflict in Yemen, by Under-Secretary-General and UNOPS Executive Director Jorge Moreira da Silva.
Unsafe and insufficient WASH facilities reinforce cycles of poverty, inequality and deprivation – particularly for women, children and marginalized groups. New research explores ways to practically implement inclusive approaches to WASH infrastructure development, particularly in developing countries and fragile contexts.
Opening remarks by UN Under-Secretary-General and UNOPS Executive Director Jorge Moreira da Silva, at the first meeting of the Advisory Board of the Santiago Network, 18 March 2024.
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