The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)


Improving health services in Ethiopia

UNOPS is working with the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) to support the government of Ethiopia with improving health services in the country's southern regions.

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Global Goals supported:
  • This article was originally published 14 June 2023.

Project updates:

22 May 2024

  • Project activities in Hamer woreda have officially launched, with the rehabilitation and expansion of Dimeka Health Center and Aeriya Qeyissa Primary School planned.

  • This will help increase access to quality healthcare services for more than 25,000 people in Dimeka, South Ethiopia and improve access to quality primary education for more than 800 children.

  • All constructed and renovated infrastructure will be sensitive to the needs of all genders and people living with disabilities.

Read more here.

15 February 2024

  • The project has launched, with a workshop marking the official start of activities that will be implemented in collaboration with Afar's regional bureaus.

  • Works include the rehabilitation and expansion of Wa’ama Primary School (which will improve the quality of education for around 600 children) and Wa’ama Health Centre (which will improve the quality of healthcare services for more than 36,000 people in Chifra).

Read more here.

As part of a €7.6 million project funded by AICS, UNOPS will rehabilitate health centres and schools as well as support enhancing access to water and sanitation infrastructure, focusing on sustainable solutions.

“We are delighted to collaborate with the Italian government to enhance basic social services,” said Worknesh Mekonnen, Director of UNOPS Multi-Country Office in Ethiopia.


Supporting our partners’ efforts to strengthen the health sector, improve agricultural growth and achieve their development goals.

"This project will benefit more than 60,000 people as well as support Ethiopia with its sustainable development goals and national development priorities,” she added.

UNOPS will also provide technical assistance to Ethiopia's Ministry of Health to increase its resilience and strengthen its capacity to face emergency situations.

"Italy is proud to contribute to this initiative, which aims to benefit some of the most vulnerable communities in the country that are affected by the impact of the conflict and climate shocks,” said H.E. Agostino Palese, Ambassador of Italy to Ethiopia.

The project will enhance access to education, health, water and energy services in two regions: the Afar Region in the northeast and the Southern Nations, Nationalities and People's Region in the southwest. It will take a gender-sensitive approach to implementing the project and take into account the needs of people living with disabilities.

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