The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)
UNOPS Executive Director visits Serbia

UNOPS Executive Director Grete Faremo visited Serbia 25-28 September 2017 to meet with Serbian government officials, as well as ambassadors from Norway, Switzerland and the European Union (EU).
UNOPS is currently implementing eight projects in Serbia worth almost €50 million. In addition to supporting the Serbia Floods Rehabilitation programme and reconstruction of road infrastructure, UNOPS is also implementing the European PROGRES programme, which aims to develop 34 underdeveloped municipalities in the south-east and south-west of the country, as well as projects encouraging the inclusion of vulnerable communities.
"The cooperation between UNOPS and the Delegation of the EU in Serbia was instrumental in addressing the effects of the 2014 floods, developing infrastructure, enhancing the generation of economic activity and improving the lives of people, especially of the most vulnerable social groups," said Ms. Faremo.
"The EU is satisfied with the ongoing cooperation with UNOPS, which has proved to be a competent and reliable partner to implement EU projects in Serbia," said H.E. Sem Fabrizi the Head of the Delegation of the EU to Serbia.
"UNOPS pays close attention to applying good governance and gender equality principles, which are cross-cutting themes in all projects implemented in Serbia," said Graeme Tyndall, UNOPS Serbia Manager.

During a meeting held with the representatives from the Ministry of European Integration, Ms. Faremo reconfirmed UNOPS commitment to supporting the Government of Serbia's implementation of reforms during the European integration process. In addition, Ms. Faremo discussed projects funded by the Government of Switzerland with H.E. Philippe Guex, Ambassador of Switzerland to Serbia.
While in Serbia, Ms. Faremo also met with Serbian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Construction, Transportation and Infrastructure Zorana Mihajlović. Deputy Prime Minister Mihajlović thanked UNOPS and expressed her hope of continuing support in the future. "There are many areas where we can expand our partnership and friendship with UNOPS," she said.
Ms. Faremo, Ambassador of Norway to Serbia H.E. Arne Sannes Bjornstad, and Head of Operations of the Delegation of the EU to Serbia Nicolas Bizel visited two UNOPS-implemented projects in Obrenovac: the reconstructed Sports and Culture Centre (funded by the Kingdom of Norway) and a social housing building for 32 Roma families (funded by the EU), part of a larger project that provided housing for more than 500 people.
"The reconstructed Centre is the result of good cooperation between Serbia, the Municipality of Obrenovac, the EU, UNOPS and Norway, and we are proud of it," said H.E. Arne Sannes Bjornstad.