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Improved public spending could help countries recover from the impacts of COVID-19 and encourage sustainable development, argues UNOPS Executive Director.
UNOPS Executive Director Grete Faremo will participate in a pre-recorded panel on 1 July entitled 'Supply chain integrity beyond compliance: case studies on why it makes business sense to pay more than due diligence to respecting human rights.'
The 14th edition of the European Development Days will focus on the topic of a green deal for a sustainable future. UNOPS Executive Director Grete Faremo will deliver welcome remarks for a high-level panel with UN-Habitat on sustainable urbanization.
A virtual session of the Annual Session of the UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS Executive Board will be held 7-11 June 2021. Board documents are available on UNOPS website. The UNOPS segment will take place on 11 June from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm (New York time), during which UNOPS Executive Director Grete Faremo will deliver a statement and present UNOPS Annual Report of the Executive Director.
Hosted by the Permanent Mission of Mexico to the UN and co-organized byUNOPS, Executive Director Grete Faremo will join a panel discussion entitled 'Advancing the prevention of corruption through partnerships and synergies in public procurement' on 3 June as part of a side event to the UN Special session of the General Assembly against Corruption 2021.
The infrastructure we invest in today needs to be fit for the needs of present and future generations – and we can no longer afford to get it wrong.
UNOPS will implement the €30 million, European Union-funded programme with Serbia's Ministry of European Integration.
UNOPS is standing-by to support the response and recovery efforts following the disaster that erupted on the Caribbean island nation this month.
Faced with widespread medicine shortages, UNOPS is procuring billions of dollars worth of medicines and medical supplies for the people of Mexico.
Marshall Islands. Micronesia. Palau. Papua New Guinea. Samoa. They span the Pacific Ocean and face a unique set of challenges in this pandemic.
In March 2019, Cyclone Idai hit south-east Africa, bringing strong winds and heavy rainfall. When it was all over, a trail of destruction and devastation was left in its wake.
The 2020 Sustainability Report gives a flavour of the breadth of our support to partners around the world – helping advance sustainable and inclusive development.
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30 years of action