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Improvised explosive devices and other explosive ordnance leave a deadly legacy, long after the guns have been silenced. New technology can help build a mine-free future.
We have to focus on buildings to help mitigate the impacts of climate change. Here's why – and how to do it.
We must ensure that youth are part of the decision-making process for issues that impact them – and have a voice in their present and future.
In the Pacific, climate change is no longer a distant challenge to prepare for. It is happening now – threatening biodiversity and forcing islanders to fight for survival.
For countries to meet their climate objectives and safeguard development goals, transparency is key.
Intersecting challenges can keep Myanmar’s youth from accessing information about sexual and reproductive health. New avenues are opening up possibilities.
When disaster strikes, coming together to support impacted communities not only helps with their recovery – it can set them on the path to a more resilient, sustainable future.
Public-private partnerships can have a life-changing impact on rural communities beyond providing economic opportunities – here's how.
How can we improve the quality of life for the 2.5 billion people who need assistive technology to live fuller lives?
Geographic Information Systems may just be a secret ingredient to accelerating progress on the Sustainable Development Goals.
Renewable energy is touted as a solution for rural electricity access in Africa – but it could also solve the unique challenges of providing reliable energy in urban areas.
Supporting sustainable procurement could help drive economic development in Least Developed Countries – here's how.
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30 years of action