The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

At the 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4), held from 27-30 May 2024 in Antigua and Barbuda, UNOPS will join international leaders, the UN family, civil society, innovators and more to shape the future of Small Island Developing States through the development of a new 10-year Programme of Action for SIDS.
In support of this goal, UNOPS will host, participate in and contribute to multiple interactive dialogues and side events during SIDS4, focusing on climate finance, practical and innovative solutions, and digital technologies. The sessions will explore ways to help SIDS tackle the unique development challenges they face and foster new opportunities for sustainable, inclusive development.
Keep up to date with our activities at SIDS4:
Monday, 27 May
The Center of Excellence for SIDS and the growth of a SIDS-based innovation ecosystem
Room 1 | 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM (GMT-4)
Learn more about the purpose of the Center of Excellence and the pivotal role that innovation, technology and entrepreneurship can play in supporting the next 10-year programme of action.
Climate crisis cultural heritage: New technologies in the digitization of heritage threatened by climate change
Overflow ID | 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM (GMT-4)
Climate change poses a significant threat to cultural heritage. This session emphasizes the critical need to digitize heritage at risk and to promote discussions that will lead to effective strategies for preserving this heritage for future generations.
Tuesday, 28 May
The SIDS Global Data Hub: How geospatial information and data can create a resilient and prosperous future for SIDS
Room 10 | 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM (GMT-4)
Discover how data can help drive decisions and help shape the future for SIDS. Participants will receive a conceptual overview of the structure and capabilities of the SIDS Global Data Hub and the initial 'proof-of-concept' demonstration of the Data Hub's capabilities.
Interactive dialogue 1: Revitalizing Small Island Developing States' economies for accelerated and sustainable growth
ID Room | 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM (GMT-4)
The session brings together policymakers, experts and stakeholders to explore innovative strategies and partnerships that can drive economic development while ensuring environmental sustainability. Participants will discuss critical challenges, share best practices, and collaborate on solutions to enhance the resilience and prosperity of SIDS in the face of global economic and climatic changes.
Interactive dialogue 2: Enhancing critical forms of financing and aid effectiveness through collaborative partnerships – a conversation
ID Room | 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM (GMT-4)
Explore strategies to enhance financing and aid effectiveness through innovative collaborative partnerships. Beginning with a moderated fireside chat followed by expert insights, the session will include discussions with representatives from Member States, the UN and other stakeholders.
Wednesday, 29 May
The path forward in the operationalization of the multi-dimensional vulnerability index in SIDS
ID Room | 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM (GMT-4)
How can we enhance access to financing for small island nations? This is what senior officials, academics, and finance experts will discuss in this panel discussion to devise practical solutions.
Interactive dialogue 3: Making climate finance work for Small Island Developing States – building on the outcomes of COP28
ID Room | 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM (GMT-4)
There is a pressing need to reform global climate finance to better meet the needs of SIDS, who suffer disproportionate climate impacts despite low carbon emission levels. This session will focus on recent developments from COP28 and negotiations toward COP29. It will explore strategies to enhance access to climate finance through innovations like the Multidimensional Vulnerability Index (MVI), the Santiago Network for Loss and Damage, and more to ensure SIDS can secure sustainable, climate-resilient futures.
Interactive dialogue 4: Leveraging data and digital technologies and building effective institutions for a resilient future in Small Island Developing States
ID Room | 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM (GMT-4)
How can we utilize cutting-edge technology and analytical insights to enhance governance and bolster disaster readiness in SIDS? This interactive dialogue will cover the implementation of innovative tech solutions that can transform public institutions and infrastructure resilience. The goal is to pinpoint practical approaches that SIDS can adopt to achieve long-term sustainability through digital technologies.
Thursday, 30 May
Interactive dialogue 5: Investing in human capital – addressing health crises in Small Island Developing States and building the potential of youth in Small Island Developing States
ID Room | 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM (GMT-4)
This interactive dialogue will look at strategies for bolstering human capital by enhancing healthcare systems and nurturing the potential of young people in SIDS. Participants will discuss solutions to health crises and ways to empower the youth, ensuring they have the skills and opportunities needed for future resilience.
Accelerating SIDS access to climate finance
Room 4 | 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM (GMT-4)
This side event will concentrate on how we can improve access to climate finance for SIDS through their own initiatives and by tackling unique challenges posed by climate change. Discussions will focus on real experiences and partnerships, including the NDC Partnership hosted by UNOPS, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Readiness Programme, and collaborations with the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) and the Vulnerable Twenty (V20) Group of Ministers of Finance. The panel will discuss how these initiatives can enhance strategic planning, investment, and financing to bolster resilience and sustainable development in SIDS.