The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

Sierra Leone health facility powered by renewable energy

President Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma launched the Mini-Grid at Conakry Dee, Kaffu Bullom Chiefdom in Port Loko District on Friday 28 July.

The launch of the mini-grid is part of a country-wide Rural Renewable Energy Project, funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and implemented by UNOPS.  The project has just reached its first milestone by providing renewable energy to 54 community health centres across the country.

President Koroma stressed the importance of energy for national development: "No country will develop if it is not energy sufficient." He further thanked DFID and UNOPS for their support and urged the community to take full ownership of the project for its sustainability and success.

The four-year project will benefit more than half a million Sierra Leoneans living in remote and rural areas, providing them with universal access to electricity.  

Sally Taylor, Head of DFID Sierra Leone, discussed the critical need for electricity in health facilities and the real difference the project will make to help refrigerate vaccines, operate medical equipment and provide light for late night medical services.  

UNOPS Head of Programme (representing the Country Manager) Sonja Varga further called on the community to make use of the energy installations for the development of their communities and actively participate in the success of the project.

More information on the Ministry of Energy's Rural Renewable Energy Project can be found here.  

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