The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

UNOPS fundamental to reconstruction in Gaza

Under-Secretary General and UNOPS Executive Director Grete Faremo held high-level meetings with Israeli and Palestinian authorities earlier today, aimed at strengthening support to the Middle East peace process.

Palestinian Prime Minister Dr. Rami Hamadallah met Ms. Faremo and other senior UNOPS officials to discuss the rehabilitation of infrastructure in Palestine.

UNOPS has a fundamental role to play in this process, whether through providing technical support or consultancy services within its areas of its expertise — and in particular in sustainable infrastructure,"

- Dr. Hamadallah

In a separate meeting Ms. Faremo also met with Israeli President Reuven Rivlin to discuss the reconstruction efforts. "Even though the situation is challenging, good progress has been made so far," stated Ms. Faremo, following discussions with President Rivlin.

"UNOPS will offer continued support to all sides in this process. We take great pride in implementing projects and will be happy to work with Israel, the Palestinians, the United Nations and the European Union," Ms. Faremo added. 

UNOPS have undertaken a number of projects in regard to rehabilitation in the region, and are working towards the long term rebuilding of Gaza in cooperation with the UN Special Coordinator and the Middle East Quartet. "We can only make our modest contribution by showing people that there is a choice and a future," Ms. Faremo concluded.

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