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In its latest report, UNOPS explores the role of sustainable, resilient and inclusive infrastructure in overcoming challenges and enabling development in Small Island Developing States (SIDS).
A new report highlights the growing infrastructure needs that the Small Island Developing State faces from climate change and economic growth.
The critical need to realize the human rights for women and girls is more stark than ever before. We must act smart, bold and fast.
The publication explores how infrastructure is key to supporting peacebuilding efforts and fostering inclusive, sustainable and resilient development in fragile and conflict-affected states.
As the United Nations (UN) marks its 75th anniversary, UNOPS echoes calls for global solidarity to build a more equal, inclusive and sustainable future for all.
Under-Secretary-General Faremo delivers statement to the 2020 Second Regular Session of the UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS Executive Board, held virtually.
A new agreement between the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), the government of Cameroon and several United Nations organizations will help fast track the purchasing of emergency medical supplies.
UNOPS will help support the Mayan Train project – a new 1,500-kilometre intercity railway in southeastern Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula.
A new agreement signed by UNOPS, the government of Mexico and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) will improve transparency and value for money.
UNOPS and partners will conduct a landmark study on the impact of climate change on Ghana’s infrastructure development.
UNOPS will help Islamic Development Bank member countries scale up their health capacity to fight COVID-19.
Since launching in July 2015, the centre has connected over 3 million people in Iraq with vital information and assistance.
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